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A member registered Oct 17, 2020

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if there is feature to draw the map from the visited path it would be nice, anyways great works!

The walk move kinda slippery that makes the game feel harder, but anyways it's a nice 10 minutes gameplay

using time as health is jenius, it's simple and match the theme perfectly

gimana cara downloadnya :') ?

Nice works, gamenya bisa ngebawa flashback ke jaman-jaman di hukum karena telat sekolah xD

Simple tapi cukup menarik gamenya, mebuat saya teringat ketika game flash berjaya 

(1 edit)

I really love the narative text, the wordplay are so dope

The idea is very briliant! with more improvement on the game level design this game will be a masterpiece

I like the art and the gameplay, how the player move it's very cute. The puzzles are really enjoying too. Due there is no tutorial, I kinda happy when figure out G button is for grab the box xD  

I love the game mechanic, every puzzle need solved with the slow mo feature. This game have a great potential 

So it's uncompleted level right? i though i just too dumb to solve the puzzle, i push the box back and forth expecting the box explode or something xD

90 total death :'), stuck on a level until i figure out the dash fiture. It's simple but really fun game. It may be a good comercial game for "Ninja Express" delivery service xD

Gamenya cukup simple tapi bisa bikin deg"an

it's a pretty nice game, but im stuck on "press space for jump" level :(

It's such a masterpiece! i would recomend my friend to play this game